Thursday, July 21, 2005


today i have to go fun fun. And then i haveto move my furniture around in our room. And then i have to go to work at 5-8 And that's about it. Charity...half of my pics were ruined the lady at walmart said that i didn't take all the pics so she just took pics of like walmart stuff. So she just kept those. So there are not that many. But that's ok. I do have some REALLY good ones. OK LAST NIGHT MY BROTHERS LEVI AND JACOB WERE LIKE "Beth go to this site called happytreefriends!!!" So i did...and i thought that it was gonna be this cute little show of animals and stuff. BUT THEN...THEY DIED!!!!!!! And it was so gross. My sister came in (anna) AND STARTED LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like....after i went on that roller coaster....i couldn't move. UGH!!!! And then they just kept doing more and more and more....and then my mom came in and was like...TURN THAT OFF!!!!! I MISS AND LOVE YOU ALL


Blogger Charity said...

Ugh I'm SO bummed about your pictures! Wal-Mart people tend to do interesting things with pics...oh well. I want the really good ones!! Yeah happytreefriends is sick and wrong. What horrible siblings you have! lol j/k. Anyways...see ya tomorrow! I can't wait! :-D Love you!

10:28 AM  

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