The little tracker
Ok so this invention is really cool. It's these little vibrating and/or beep at the touch of a remote. And i think that this would really help out like after church, and like classes or something like that...anyways these things come in all diffrent sizes. It's kinda hard to explain on the computer....there are 3 kinds of remotes the 4 button remote, the 8 button remote, and the 12 button remote. And there's one extra button on all three of those...that activate all the little trackers. On the back of each tracker theres a number so you can activate what number/kid you want, if you don't want them all. Isn't that so cool. I have to go though. If you guys have any questions, then you can comment the question. I have to write a paper. Tonight i'm going to my cousins play...then i'm staying the night at my g'mas, and going to the monopoly tounement thing on saturday...then i'm gonna go to church on sunday.