Tuesday, January 30, 2007


My brother, Levi, came home from class, started running around the house screaming "I ATE A WORM FOR 16 DOLLARS!!!!" Isn't that sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gross!! I was really grossed out....and i told him i wouldn't eat a worm for a million dollars!!!!
My mom is cutting back on my computer time....so i won't be on here as much as i would like to be....since i'm on here all the time. But i will try my best to be on here as much as she will let me.
I want to thank my faithful readers!!!! You guys are the bomb!!!! I love you all!!!! :D :D :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello dearest,
I just read all of the posts I've missed...yikes, sorry I haven't been a very faithful reader lately! Ugh, this week has been busy, and it's already half over! I have soooooooooo much to tell you. Sheesh. like, a lot. I don't know if we can talk tomorrow...uggggggg I had SO much time all summer long, and now all of the sudden I'm swamped! Okay, not really. But I will be soon. I love you. I'm sorry we haven't talked in ages (okay, probably less than a week, but it seems like ages). I'll call you soon. Maybe tomorrow. I hope tomorrow. I love tomorrow. I LOVE YOU!

--Charity, of course :o)

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. hahah, I forgot to comment about the actual post!


One time, Allen was getting paid to swallow fish. Ugggh, our brothers are TOO disgusting sometimes. :-P

p.p.s. why did you say "oh my heart!!!!!" on my blog??? I mean, was it a specific thing I said or just the longness of the list or the fact that I have been gone so long or WHAT?!

10:52 PM  
Blogger Charity said...

HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:57 PM  
Blogger Charity said...

I am going to leave you another comment. 'Cause I'm nice.

And i love you.



4:57 PM  
Blogger Charity said...

ohhhhh dear.

4:57 PM  

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